Soccer has been really good, so im really happy about that, we won our last couple games so thats good, and i have been working really hard. so far we are the 2nd team with the most shotouts(no goals scored on the goalie) and thats me because i only play goalie.
I also went to an event today for the sam simon foundation. and found out today that i will be getting my hearing dog, in about a month. so im soo exictied about that. i can't wait. i loves dogs and its going to help me understand whats sounds are going around me. so i can't wait. it will also help me be more indepentednt. and also i will be able to sleep alone but knowing that there is someone there that can hear. cause noraml i sleep in my moms room on the couch because im afirad of sleeping in my room and in case something happens i can't hear. so it would be really nice
I also made a video on youtube about PROP 8, because i belive in gay marraige and i want to get married someday. its somthing that straight teens don't have to worry about, but i do because if it doesn't happen, then ya.
here is the link
i have also met a girl that i really its been a really good week for me. so ya.
chat soon